Monday, June 29, 2009


Don’t you feel it? It’s all around us.


At the mall.

When you’re at a restaurant with your family.

When you’re watching your kids play soccer on Saturday morning.

About the only place I don’t feel it is at church on Sunday morning. Maybe that should be a clue about what’s missing in our country today.

It really hit me last week when I was shopping for the kids at a neo-surburban mall in town. You know, the mall that was in fashion 20 years ago before the McMansion-villes sprouted out of nowhere outside of town demanding the latest fashionable outdoor New-Urbanist shopping complex. I was walking through this mall last week, that, to the credit of the Owner, has modified its appearance and size and shopping options to keep up with its surroundings and still the malaise was almost oppressive. No joy. No smiles on anyone’s face. People walking around as zombies, simply going through the motions. I started to wonder what is the origin of this.

Is it that people are really worried, downright afraid of where this country is headed?

Are people worried about their job, their future, their kid’s future?

Are they worried about living under crushing personal, local, state and federal debt and taxes?

Could it be people are starting to regret the way they cast their vote last November?

Or is that they are in a state of disbelief, shell-shocked even, as one crisis after another appears in the so-called press, just waiting for the next national or global crisis to emerge.

The last two years have seen changes here and around the world that, a few years back, seemed unimaginable. It’s almost hard to think back and remember a time when we didn’t live in a state of crisis and turmoil, and for many, despair. I can’t believe that I’m going to write this but for all of their shenanigans, the Clinton years almost seem like Camelot compared to the last two. It seems like today, people have pushed ‘pause’, just waiting for any good news, any sign that this period of profound change and financial loss is over. Any sign that we’re done with this numbing pattern of the weekly crisis.

As I was walking through this mall I started to wonder what will it take to remove the cloud of malaise gripping this country. As this pace, it’s worthless to project 3 years out as this administration winds down its first [and hopefully only] term. Certainly nothing that has passed Congress in the past 5 months and nothing planned on the horizon will lift this cloud. In fact, if cap-and-trade and health care reform become law, this malaise may become permanent or morph into something our Founding Fathers could have never envisioned; raw, unbridled, unchallenged power at the federal level, unimaginable federal intrusion into our lives, suffocating the liberty and creativity of every individual in this country.

I’ve read on several websites this notion of the 4th generation….the idea that every 4th generation, or every 70-80 years, there is a great and systemic shift, here and abroad. Looking back over our country’s history this hypothesis seems to have merit.

1770s-80s: Revolutionary War and our country’s birth.

1860s: The American Civil War

1930s-40s: The Crash of 29/The Great Depression/WWII


It’s becoming apparent that we are in another one of those periods of great change some 70 years after the end of WWII. We have a global financial crisis that shows little sign of improvement. A domestic housing crisis that may get worse before it gets better with many exotic mortgages still in the pipeline that have to reset leaving millions more underwater on their house. We have unrest brewing around the world; North Korea, Iran, Russia/Georgia, Honduras, the list goes on and on. Tyrants around the world are trying to obtain WMDs, hellbent on consolidating their own domestic power for a purpose that is still unclear. It seems, at least today, that we are headed towards another period of inevitable and prolonged global war and conflict.

And here at home we have an out-of-control Congress cramming down 1,200 page bills on a day’s notice, created by a small, secret, select group with no input from the rank-and-file and no opportunity for opposition input or revision. A President about whom we know very little, and what we do know (and that was buried by the MSM last fall) should cause grave concern in each and every American. A past filled with a steady stream of Marxist, communist, socialist and radical influences. To those aware of these, what’s happening today in this country, the policies, the consolidation of power, the nationalization of industries, the advance of the State and its intrusion into our lives should come as no surprise. Obama is no moderate. He is cut from the same cloth as Castro, as Chavez, as Morales, as Ortega. He is a red-diaper Leftist.

And this cloud of malaise produced by Leftists could only be the beginning of their nefarious plans.

I, for one, refuse to give into the malaise and the loss of hope that seems embedded in our current societal state. I believe, to quote Bush 43, that there are ‘evil-doers’ in this world. And I believe that there are domestic evil-doers that are running this government. Why else can you explain that every bill proposed and passed, every policy shift planned is the exact opposite that common, rational sense would suggest is needed to repair this country and get it moving in the right direction. I also believe that these evil-doers know they have a limited window to accomplish their coup for they know once the sleeping giant of the American masses awakes, their time in power will come to a quick and abrupt end.

I sense that people are waking up and information is slowly getting to the masses. I’ve made a commitment to assist. I joined the local Republican Party committee. I’ve started blogging. I’m connected to people on Facebook and Twitter. I’m using these social networking sites to post whatever information I find, whenever I find it to my friends, family, colleagues, whoever……in order to educate people and make them aware of what we’re up against. To the extent my wife allows it, everything we do is now political; conversation, actions, contributions. We are of the mindset that you are either with us or against us; with friends, with family, with colleagues.

And it’s been a long time coming.

It’s the way the Left has operated for over a generation. It’s what required to turn the tide against the evil doers. It’s what’s required to combat and prevent malaise. It’s what’s required to win back our country, our freedom, our liberty.

I ask you......What are you going to do combat:


Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Time for a Meaty Post

Consider the dizzying pace of today's news, I thought it might be time to bust out a really meaty post. With the seeds of revolution sprouting in Iran while our liberty and freedom of speech is moving in the opposite direction with the so-called health care 'townhall' planned for the All Barack Channel on June 24, I thought a review of Marx's Communist Manifesto would be a good topic for tonight's post.

For those who have done homework on Dear Leader, the chilling similarities to Marx's 10 Planks will come as no surprise. After all, Obama spent considerable time during his formative youth in Hawaii with Frank Marshall Davis, member of the US Communist Party for over 40 years. He also sought out 'Marxist professors' admitted in his book 'Dreams of My Father'. And he taught Alinksy tactics at several Chicago community organizing groups , including the Developing Communities Project in addition to leading ACORN's corrupt Project Vote effort. Obama has carefully cultivated and nurtured Marxist ideology his entire life and the fact that he is rapidly pushing our country far left should come as no surprise. But to those of you unaware of his radical background, I encourage you to do some homework. Where he wants to take this country is truly frightening and is the opposite of the country our Founding Fathers envisioned.

So what does this have to do with Karl Marx and the 10 Planks noted in his Communist Manifesto? Read below and you'll clearly see. And for you partisans out there, much of this happened or was started during Bush 43's administration so this isn't all about Left vs. Right. It's more about Fedzilla and the rest of us outside the Beltway.

Plank 1: Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.

SCOTUS 2005 ruling allowing expanded eminent domain. The fact that any government can confiscate private property for the so-called 'public good' is unconscionable. Yet it happens in this country on a daily basis.

Plank 2: A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.

This is happening right now. We're are rapidly approaching the point where a majority of Americans will pay no income tax at all creating a permanent Left-leaning voting majority. The top 25% of income earners pay 86% of all federal income tax, certainly a heavy progressive income tax.

Plank 3: Abolition of all right of inheritance.

Last fall, a House sub-committee actively explored the federal confiscation of 401K plans and IRAs in the height of the financial panic. In its place would be an expanded retirement program under Social Security where you would be required to contribute 5% of your income for a guaranteed 3% return. Upon death, only half of your 'account' would be assigned to your estate. Combine this with the return of the death tax in 2011, the net result of these Marxist policies would effectively be the abolition of inheritance.

Plank 4: Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.

See Plank 1.

Plank 5: Centralisation of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.

Beginning with the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913 and culminating with the forced receipt of TARP funds last fall by the 10 major banks in America, we have effectively nationalized banking and credit in this country. Add to this rules imposed and planned by this regime to cap executive pay at financial institutions, we effectively have a federal monopoly of our banking system with unnecessary federal involvement in virtually all aspects of banking and credit.

Plank 6: Centralisation of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.

An perfect example of this is today's announcement that ABC Nightly News will broadcast its nightly newscast from the inside the White House on June 24 and then occupy valuable prime time slots in order to televise a 'townhall' focused on Obamacare. Obama will answer questions about his plan but there will be no opposing or alternative view presented. It will be pure State propaganda. Add the Fairness Doctrine to the MSM, and we have centralised communication in this country.

Transportation is an all-together separate topic as you can see the State's involvement in automobile manufacturing expanding in the future as it becomes clear that the federal government has no place running Chrysler and GM. The full weight and force of the federal government, in the hope of limiting financial exposure to the car mess, will reduce competition in this country, forcing us, at some point in the future, to purchase government produced vehicles.

Plank 7: Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.

Clearly occurring with significant government ownership of insurance, banking and automobile companies.

Plank 8: Equal liability of all to labour. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.

One word. Unions. Never in the history of this country has there but such clear preference given to unions by an administration. Clearly with the EFCA, it is the goal of the government for increased, and perhaps, complete unionization of the American people.

Plank 9: Combination of agriculture with manufacturing and industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equal distribution of the population over the country.

Ethanol and other farm subsidies clearly demonstrate the combination of agriculture and other major industrial sectors. As state governments close in on insolvency, look for many blue states to look to the federal government for bailouts. Lines between states and the federal government have already been blurred when the California Govenator was threatened by the Obama regime with withholding of AARP funds if the Govenator went through with planned salary reductions for state union employees. Chicago thug politics in full bloom.

Plank 10: Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labour in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production.

It is clearly a goal of this regime to pull more and more students into the public education system. Eliminating school choice and preventing and even eliminating successful voucher programs has already occurred all in the name of 'free education for all children'. And with the passage of the GIVE Act, it is not a stretch to see the combination of education and industrial production evolve from this legislation.

We live in very dangerous times as this country moves farther and farther away from the vision of our Founding Fathers and closer to the failed visions of Karl Marx, skillfully re-packaged by Obama and his puppet masters.

In order to stop this Marxist march:

Do your homework. Understand what this country is up against.

Get involved. Call you congresscritter. Join your local Republican or Libertarian party.

We cannot rely on current GOP leadership to defend this country. It is up to each and every one of us at a grass root level to withstand this relentless assault on our freedom and liberty.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

I Got Nothin'

Well......actually there's too much to even comment on for such a late how 'bout some good news/bad news.

Good news:
  • TARP money can get repaid. Maybe banks won't be nationalized after all.
  • Poll numbers and public support seem to be eroding for Dear Leader...or at least his policies according to Rasmussen and Gallop. Approve/Dispprove numbers for Obama are now even according to Rasmussen, a stunning 30 point drop for Obama in 4 you won't hear from Katie, Charlie, Brian, Anderson or Keith. I suspect after a tough summer where middle America has to cut back on family vacations and if unemployment is at double digits by Labor Day, support for Dear Leader will fall through the floor. No wonder he is in such a hurry to cram the racist Sotomayor and Obamacare and Cap-n-Tax down our throat by the end of summer. He knows that if he doesn't complete the Marxist coup and complete implementation of the Leftist agenda by Labor Day, it won't happen at all.
  • The carpet-bagger McAuliffe was handily defeated tonight by Creigh Deeds setting up a replay of the 2005 AG early test of the coat tails of Dear Leader and if McDonnell doesn't step in it and if buyer's remorse over Obama fully materializes then it will be a long November night for Deeds.
Bad News:
  • SCOTUS paved the way for the theft of Chrysler today. How this ( and most of what Dear Leader has done the past four months ) is constitutional escapes me. And why the GOP leadership is silent on Marxism's march through our country is curious.
  • Leftist Leahy sets a July 13 date for the racist Sotomayor's Senate hearing. Burn up the phones people, call your Senator and stress opposition to Sotomayor. Here's some help...the Congressional switchboard: (202)224-3121. The Constitution is not a living and breathing document and we do not need a SCOTUS judge who stresses empathy, demographics and personal background in judicial decisions. The law is the law whether you are white, black, brown, purple, pink, rich or poor.
  • Crap-n-Tax: The non-partisan CBO released some analysis on the impact of Waxman's Cap and Trade bill that is nothing more than a huge tax increase in the name of something that does not exist. The average energy bill increase per household will be approx. $3,100 and only families making less than $42,000 or individuals making less than $23,000 would receive relief. The median household income is about $50,000 so this bill would result in a $3,100 tax increase on almost the entire middle class. So much for Dear Leader's campaign promise to not raise taxes 'one dime' on families making less than $250,000. No wonder they're in such a hurry to pass this boondoggle. Again, call your congress-critter and voice your opposition: (202)224-3121.
And one final comment regarding Sarah Palin and the state-run media. Isn't it amazing that whenever the Governor makes a national appearance, the state-run media just unloads on her and her family.....relentlessly and in typical tasteless and dispicable form. I'm admittedly a fan of Palin. Is she Reagan II? least not yet. Remember, from the 1964 'A Time for Choosing' speech, it took Reagan 16 years to solidify his conservative views and agenda and ultimately get elected. The good thing is that conservatism works and that the homework has already been done. We just need that charismatic leader who can effectively communicate the ideals of liberty and freedom and opportunity and responsibility to the people. And that's why the MSM is scared shitless of Palin. She is one of us. A normal American. And she can communicate and connect with everyday Americans like no one since Reagan. It took Reagan 16 years. It could take Palin only 4. And considering how disastrous Obama will be, 4 years may be all it takes to right this country.........with or without Palin.

And so much for the title....I guess I had a little after all.

Monday, June 1, 2009


The day after........No. Not bearing down on the day after one of the biggest thefts in our country's history being the bankruptcy and subsequent absorption of GM into our federal government's vast and wasteful bureaucracy. It's the day after the conclusion of our church's annual Greek Festival. If you have never attended a Greek festival....Find one. Go. Quickly. It's an event like no other. Food, drink, dancing and more food to behold. There is nothing better than the smell of souvlaki on the grill.

After running food between the kitchen, pastry room and grill and the serving lines, I feel old. Every muscle in my body aches. Kinda of like the people of this country should feel after a relentless 8 month assault on freedom, capitalism, and liberty that shows no sign of letting up. This week we can expect yet another global campaign trip by Dear Leader, surely to apologize for something else our great country did. Are you weary yet from the daily appearances and speeches by Dear Leader? Can you remember any President in modern history so narcissistic and egotistical that he has to be the news?And yet he says nothing new. It's just constant regurgitation of the same hope-n-change crap he spewed for his 2 year campaign.

The good news is, through the closed primary process, this past weekend the Virginia GOP nominated a solid conservative ticket to oppose the Leftist ticket headed by Clintonista carpet-bagger Terry McAauliffe. This will be a watershed election and an early test of Obama's coattails. If we're sucessful and victorious other states should take note.

This is the way to nominate a state ticket.

Prevent the Leftists from corrupting and sabotaging our process.

The only way to have a seat at the table is to join your local Republican Party.

You must be involved to have a voice.

Solid conservatives can still win.

The squishes and RINOs in the party had better take note of that last point. If McDonnell can pull this off, then this should be the beginning of the purge. The squishes and RINOs had better look for a place to hide.

Now that's a reason to shout Opa!