Good news:
- TARP money can get repaid. Maybe banks won't be nationalized after all.
- Poll numbers and public support seem to be eroding for Dear Leader...or at least his policies according to Rasmussen and Gallop. Approve/Dispprove numbers for Obama are now even according to Rasmussen, a stunning 30 point drop for Obama in 4 you won't hear from Katie, Charlie, Brian, Anderson or Keith. I suspect after a tough summer where middle America has to cut back on family vacations and if unemployment is at double digits by Labor Day, support for Dear Leader will fall through the floor. No wonder he is in such a hurry to cram the racist Sotomayor and Obamacare and Cap-n-Tax down our throat by the end of summer. He knows that if he doesn't complete the Marxist coup and complete implementation of the Leftist agenda by Labor Day, it won't happen at all.
- The carpet-bagger McAuliffe was handily defeated tonight by Creigh Deeds setting up a replay of the 2005 AG early test of the coat tails of Dear Leader and if McDonnell doesn't step in it and if buyer's remorse over Obama fully materializes then it will be a long November night for Deeds.
- SCOTUS paved the way for the theft of Chrysler today. How this ( and most of what Dear Leader has done the past four months ) is constitutional escapes me. And why the GOP leadership is silent on Marxism's march through our country is curious.
- Leftist Leahy sets a July 13 date for the racist Sotomayor's Senate hearing. Burn up the phones people, call your Senator and stress opposition to Sotomayor. Here's some help...the Congressional switchboard: (202)224-3121. The Constitution is not a living and breathing document and we do not need a SCOTUS judge who stresses empathy, demographics and personal background in judicial decisions. The law is the law whether you are white, black, brown, purple, pink, rich or poor.
- Crap-n-Tax: The non-partisan CBO released some analysis on the impact of Waxman's Cap and Trade bill that is nothing more than a huge tax increase in the name of something that does not exist. The average energy bill increase per household will be approx. $3,100 and only families making less than $42,000 or individuals making less than $23,000 would receive relief. The median household income is about $50,000 so this bill would result in a $3,100 tax increase on almost the entire middle class. So much for Dear Leader's campaign promise to not raise taxes 'one dime' on families making less than $250,000. No wonder they're in such a hurry to pass this boondoggle. Again, call your congress-critter and voice your opposition: (202)224-3121.
And so much for the title....I guess I had a little after all.
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